Relationship between language and culture and culture



This reflection refers to the relationship that exists between language and the importance of cultural factors when learning a second language. For Krams (1993) the cultural aspects of a language are essential and must be integrated into the teaching of a foreign language, since by introducing these cultural factors, the learning of languages is favored within the socio-cultural context in which they are immersed, since one of the declared objectives of teaching foreign languages beyond the practical purpose of learning a language for communicative purposes is that the learner broadens and is able to know the world beyond their own cultural environment, learning a new language acquires full meaning to the extent that it allows the speaker to expand their own vision of the world and develop their social personality through access to a new reality (Curricular Plan of the Inst. Cervantes, page 39)

For (Kramsch 1998. Pg 10) “culture is not an element added to language, but an integral part of it ”, in this sense, it can be said that since man is a cultural being and the heritage of language is framed Due to their close environment, then, their beliefs, ideas, way of thinking and acting are part of that shared environment, therefore language is part of the transmission of these customs from generation to generation.

Hence, learning another language requires a whole series of strategies that derive from the cultural parameters in which a language develops. In other words, it is necessary to live that language, trying to think like its native speakers.

These strategies offer information about everything that involves the culture of the target language (politics, folklore, history), this cultural component not only contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the learner to have mastery over the target language but also enriches the general knowledge of said culture (Arezaiga 1994)

According to Andoni Arroyo (2002: 17) "knowledge of cultural competence is essential to truly learn a foreign language" and for this "it seems clear that there is a need to unite communication and culture"

The importance of the cultural component in communication and in the teaching-learning process of foreign languages is an unavoidable reality, since the language does not exist by itself, but rather works around factors that are socially shared in a given context and group. That is why through the approach to the cultural aspects of a language an effective and complete learning is achieved.


It could then be said that many of the most relevant authors in the area defend an approach in which culture contributes to the formation of communicative and intercultural competence.

Students and teachers alike should be aware of the fact that if we teach language without at the same time teaching the culture in which it operates, we are teaching nonsense symbols or symbols to which the student could give the wrong meaning. Culture is an integral part of language teaching.


Arroyo, Andoni (1997-1999). Contenidos culturales en seis manuales de español. Salamanca



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